About the Jeffersonville Community Kitchen

The Community Kitchen, located at 1611 Spring Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana, is a charitable organization whose mission is to provide a free, hot meal, 5 days a week, to the needy and hungry in our area.  Founded in 1989 by a group of dedicated volunteers, the Kitchen began as a small operation but has grown steadily and now serves 52,000 meals annually.  It is wholly supported by cash and in-kind donations from the township trustee and local businesses, churches and individuals.

 In 1989 we recognized the need to provide food for the hungry and homeless in our community.  Our patrons come from all walks of life.  Some are elderly and on a fixed income which does not last through the month; some are temporarily unemployed and need help for a short period of time; some are under-employed making low wages and this helps them supplement their food, rent or medical expenses; some are single mothers with children; some are homeless and this is the only meal they get daily.

The Kitchen is driven by its Mission Statement: The Community Kitchen is open to all people regardless of race, creed, or color.  No one is turned away. It is also open to any member of our community who would like to volunteer his or her time or money.  The Community Kitchen is not associated with any city, state, or federal government agency, but relies on donations from individuals, businesses, or charities, etc.  We are not allied with any sect, denomination or institution.  Our primary purpose is to make sure people will have a hot meal five days per week.

To be able to provide this service, the Kitchen needs a large group of volunteers (approximately 100) to procure and store the food and supplies, prepare and serve the food, clean up and maintain the building and handle the administrative duties.  We are always in need of additional help.  We encourage you to please consider volunteering your time or resources to fulfill our mission.  Visit the Volunteer or Donate pages, or our Facebook page for more information.

Thank you.